Film photographyMinolta A zoo, a 135 mm and a 15 year old film As you can read from the heading, this was a case of combining three elements that made photographing…Sampsa4.5.2022
Camera obscuraFilm photography Camera obscura – Pinhole camera session Last Saturday I participated in a camera obscura course held by Mr. Hans G. Hästbacka, who photographs only…Sampsa6.4.2022
Film photographyPentax Testing the Pentax Espio Mini w/ Fujifilm Superia About 18 months ago I made a nice pick and bought 5 compact cameras and two expired rolls…Sampsa31.3.2022
Film photographyMinolta First roll of film in two decades In this overly digital era we have been saturated by the pixels. We are in a point that…Sampsa21.3.2022